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Wellspring is a place where people of God gather for spiritual renewal, personal wellness, and learning experiences that equip and inspire their servant leadership.

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About Wellspring

Wellspring is ...

- a place for spiritual renewal where servants of the Gospel come to retreat, rest, celebrate, worship, and pray as they make use of facilities like a prayer room, family room with a fireplace, library, labyrinth.

- a sanctuary for personal reflection, group support, counseling, and spiritual direction.

- a sanctuary for personal wellness with facilities for physical fitness and other resources for healthy living, strong relationships, financial and time management, and emotional refreshment in an atmosphere that is comfortable, pleasing, and filled with images of faith.

- an environment to learn, grow, and excel in ministry through a variety of conferences, classes, retreats, web-casting experiences, and other meaningful gatherings where collaboration will happen, trust will be built, and creativity will blossom for God’s glory and our joy in ministry!
The Essence of Wellspring ...

Holistic Perspective – Focused on growing, healing, and nurturing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Innovative Partnerships – A unique blend of information and inspiration not readily available through other conventional sources.

Accessibility – Offerings that are attuned to the interest and within the financial reach of a wide range of ordained and lay leaders.
...where people of God gather for spiritual renewal, personal wellness, and learning experiences that equip and inspire their servant leadership...

Wellspring is a non-profit organization independently operated with grants and private donations. Wellspring partners include The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew, Silver Spring, Maryland; and The Southeastern District, LC-MS.

The Wellspring Mission



The mission of the Wellspring Ministry is to be a place where people of God gather for spiritual renewal, personal wellness, and learning experiences that equip and inspire their servant leadership. 
Wellspring is a place for spiritual renewal where pastors, lay ministers, and all servants of the Gospel come to retreat, rest, celebrate, worship, and pray. All Wellspring participants are invited to make use of facilities within the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew such as a prayer room, family room with a fireplace, library, prayer labyrinth, and areas for personal reflection, group support, counseling, or spiritual direction.
Wellspring is a sanctuary for personal wellness with facilities for physical fitness and other resources for healthy living, strong relationships, financial and time management, and emotional refreshment in an atmosphere that is comfortable, pleasing, and filled with images of faith.
Wellspring is an environment to learn, grow, and excel in ministry through a variety of conferences, classes, retreats, webcasting experiences, and other meaningful gatherings where collaboration will happen, trust will be built, and creativity will blossom for God’s glory and our joy in ministry!